Airflow Studies

For some questions of air flow project teams need more detail than typically provided by HVAC load calculation or energy modeling software. HabLab can answer these questions through the application of specialized Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software.

Here are some of the ways Air Studies can play a role in Building Performance:

  • person sitting while fresh air enters through a window

    Natural Ventilation Design

    Understand how fresh air could play a role in ventilation system design and determine the window opening area required to provide effective ventilation.

  • person sits at desk while cloud of unknown particles floats above and air diffuser supplies fresh air

    Indoor Air Quality Assessment

    How well does fresh air circulate in your space? How much fresh air is required to remove undesired particles?

  • certificate

    Underfloor Air Distribution Assessment for WELL

    Provide documentation of underfloor air system effectiveness for submission to the WELL rating system.